Tuesday, August 12, 2003

My Favorite VS.NET Shortcuts

I’m a keyboard kind of guy. I hate it when I have to put my hands on the mouse – it
slows me way down. So it should be no surprise that I’m a fan of emacs – keystrokes
for everything. Still, I tend to use VS.NET, because it’s got a bunch of stuff that
I can’t get (yet) in emacs, like Intellisense and integrated debugging.

As a result, I’ve made an effort to learn VS.NET shortcut keys. I find myself often
pointing these out to fellow developers, especially when I’m suffering, watching them
laboriously navigate the menu system or type with one hand. Here are my favorites.
Some of these have already made the blogging rounds, but hopefully you’ll find at
least one gem in here

Key sequence




Source “Back”

Works like your browser’s “back” button – takes you to the last line of code you were
looking at, whether it’s in a different file or the file you’re currently in.


Source “Forward”

Works like your browser’s “forward” button. Opposite of ctrl-minus.

Ctrl-k Ctrl-k

Toggle bookmark

Adds or removes a bookmark to the current line. I use this one frequently when adding
a using statement to the current file. Set a bookmark so I don’t lose my place, go
to the top of the file (ctrl-home), add the using statement, then jump back to the

Ctrl-k ctrl-n

Go to next bookmark

Navigates to the next bookmark. Because this gets annoying when there are lots of
bookmarks in the file, I generally toggle the bookmark off as soon as I get back to


Incremental search

Incremental search is a great way to search really quickly: you type ctrl-i and then
immediately start typing the word you’re looking for. As you type each letter, VS.NET
will find the first instance of what you’ve typed so far. So, for example, if you’re
looking for “foo”, you type ctrl-i, then “f”, and it will find the first instance
of “f”. Then you type “o” and it will find the first instance of “fo”. If that’s “foo”,
you’re done. If it’s “for” you can either type “o” again to look for “foo” or type
ctrl-i again to look for the next instance of  “fo”. Emacs has had this forever,
but it’s nice to have it in VS.NET, too.

Ctrl-a Alt-e v b

Select all, Untabify

Turns all tabs into spaces. Useful when I’m pasting code into an email or Word.

Ctrl-a Ctrl-k Ctrl-f

Select all, reformat

Ctrl-k ctrl-f will “reformat” the selection, making sure all the code is properly
indented and even “fixing” which line the curly-braces appear on (you can set your
definition of “correct” in VS.NET preferences).

Ctrl-k Ctrl-c

Comment selection

Puts “//” comments in front of whatever text is currently selected.

Ctrl-k Ctrl-u

Uncomment selection

Removes “//” comments from the front of whatever text is currently selected


List members

Pops up the Intellisense list that you normally get when you hit “.” after a variable.
Very useful if you’ve navigated away from the list and you want to get it back.


Parameter Info

Pops up the method information list you normally get when you hit “(“ after typing
a method name in. I use this all the time, as I often start typing in the method’s
parameters, then have to go do something else, like read the help. When I come back,
this key sequence lets me pop up the completion list again.


Browse definition

Jumps to the definition of whatever the cursor is on. Useful for when you’re thinking,
“Umm, what does this method do?” Combine with ctrl-minus to jump right back to where
you were.


View code

VS.NET often insists on showing me the stupid designer view when what I want to see
is the code. F7 shows me the code.


View designer

Sometimes I actually do want to see the designer. This will show it to me when
I’m in the corresponding code file.

Those are the main ones that I use day-to-day. There are many, many more – I find
it really useful to browse through the Tools->Customize->Keyboard dialog every
once in a while, looking for good ones (the keyboard shortcuts show up in “Shortcut(s)
for selected command”).


  1. If you're accepting submissions, my personal favourite is Ctrl-M, Ctrl-O to collapse the outlines, followed by Ctrl-M, Ctrl-M to expand a specific section... really helps me zip around big source files.

  2. Editing the entry is a PITA, so go ahead and post suggestions here as comments (like you've done).

    Personally, I can't say I care for the outlining stuff too much. It's just personal opinion, but popping the damn things open and closed is more trouble than just doing an incremental search for the name. What they really need is a keystroke that will navigate me to a method by name - sort of like a scoped incremental search.

    Anyway - thanks for the suggestion, I know a lot of people use outlining.

  3. Ctrl-Shift-Enter. Toggles Full Screen mode. Invaluable for demos.

  4. Good one, although I believe it's Alt-Shift-Enter to go fullscreen.

    I also forgot Shift-Enter and Ctrl-Shift-Enter, which are "insert new blank line above/below current line" (respectively).

  5. My personal favorite is Ctrl-T for transpose the two characters the cursor is sitting between, and Ctrl-Shift-T to transpose words. I get stuff out of order all the time.

    The only weird thing is that the transpose words command swaps the next two words ahead of the cursor, instead of the words the cursor is between.

  6. Another great emacs feature absorbed. :)

  7. A classic Ctrl-K Ctrl-D will pretty format an xml document.

  8. Yeah, although it kills blank lines between elements, which I hate. I like to use vertical whitespace to keep things readable, and C-k C-d eats it. :p

  9. These shortcuts are fabulous.

    Can anybody tell me the shortcut for Opening and closing the regions of the code?

    Thanks in advance

  10. Ctrl-M Ctrl-M

    Ctrl-M Ctrl-L

    Ctrl-M Ctrl-O

    Depending on what you're trying to do.

  11. Great shortcuts. Is there a keyboard shortcut to collapse all the projects when you open a solution with multiple projects...within the solution explorer...

  12. I'm not aware of one. Love to know what it was if such a beast existed, though.

    Generally, I find that Ctrl-Alt-L followed by repeated {left-arrow down-arrow} is quick enough.

  13. The Expand-All and Collapse-All shortcuts in the Solution Explorer are * and - in the number pad.

  14. ctrl+ F4: close the active windows of the code inside the project.

    Very useful to close fastly all the windows.

  15. crtl+tab: alternate window inside the project.

  16. What is the shortcut key for "Find All References" for particular property/method name? We can select a particular word under the cursor with Ctrl W.

  17. Shortcut key for "Find All References" : on a particular word use SHIFT+F12

  18. ALT+W+L will close all opend windows.

  19. For a complete list of shortcuts for Visual Studio 2008:
