Monday, June 30, 2003

Clemens Weighs in on AOP

I was out at The Daily Grind today (ego surfing my referrers log, of course) when I noticed this link to Clemens Vastersblog. In it, he discusses his experiences over the last year with his COM+-based aspect-like framework. A lot of it is about the guts of what he did, but towards the end he has some very interesting things to say about how hard it is to compose what are non-orthogonal services in an orthogonal manner. Sound familiar? J

"I told you so" implications aside, I have to say I find it very interesting to hear Clemens' viewpoint, since he's been hammering so hard on this problem for a year. I think his ideas around providing rollback semantics for aspects sounds like COM+ all over again, but he's been spending a lot of time in this space, so I'll be curious to see what he comes up with. Good luck Clemens!

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